Online Mastering - An Introduction

Before music is committed to CD or a digital file format (MP3) and released to the wider world it is obviously recorded, then follows a mixing stage and then finally mastering. Mastering is probably one of the least understood aspects of the music production chain. It's a stage which predominantly works with the 2 track stereo mixes. As such it has scope to make improvements on the audio usually using high end audio equipment. It is also a stage where an inexperienced engineer can do great damage. As such, mastering engineers commonly have a history in mixing and recording music so they understand the procedures before and yet have trained their ears for the critical listening demands of mastering. Always find out what your engineers recording and mixing history is.

online mastering

Mastering engineers' listening skills are somewhat different to a mix or recording engineer who is listening on a very deep and practical level but also has to think about the myriad technical arrangements in operating a complex recording studio. As such sometimes small details can be missed which will need to be picked up in mastering. A mastering engineer has less tracks and channels to listen to and the focus can be on the whole. Such a listening style will pay close attention to other areas and instruments in a mix other than the aspect which spurred any specific changes any adjustments affect other aspects. It is all interdependent.

audio mastering

There are many processes in the mastering studio which are used to enhance the music once it has completed the mix stage. Mastering usually happens in a very well specified studio which will have numerous processes such as equalization, compression limiting and stereo adjustment capabilities. Many musicians may be wondering what mastering can do for their music if they have no previously had the chance to try it. The good news is that mastering is much lower in cost that ever before and it is widely available online. You should always choose a mastering engineer with care and check their experience, equipment, acoustically treated room and compare pricing with other studios to ensure you are getting a good deal.

When your music project has been mixed, mastering ensures it has been optimized has the best response across the frequency range, enhances, QC's and ensure's that it reaches the target medium in the best possible shape it can. Online mastering adds value to your audio product.
